51. 威廉·约翰尼斯·斯特恩霍夫的妻子,怀里抱着她的孩子` De vrouw van Wilhelmus Johannes Steenhoff met haar kind aan de borst (1873 ~ 1932) by Wilhelmus Johannes Steenhoff 高清作品[37%]

De vrouw van Wilhelmus Johannes Steenhoff met haar kind aan de borst (1873 ~ 1932) -

图片文件尺寸: 3720 x 5172px


~ De vrouw van Wilhelmus Johannes Steenhoff met haar kind aan de borst (1873 ~ 1932) --Wilhelmus Johannes Steenhoff (荷兰艺术家, 1873 - 1932)

57. 弗雷德里克·威廉·伯顿(Frederic William Burton)设计的圣母玛利亚(Virgin Mary)抱着基督孩子的枝形吊灯` A Chandelier with the Virgin Mary Holding the Christ Child by Frederic William Burton 高清作品[36%]

A Chandelier with the Virgin Mary Holding the Christ Child-

图片文件尺寸: 3338 x 4000px

弗雷德里克·威廉·伯顿(Frederic William Burton)设计的圣母玛利亚(Virgin Mary)抱着基督孩子的枝形吊灯-弗雷德里克·威廉·伯顿

~ A Chandelier with the Virgin Mary Holding the Christ Child--Frederic William Burton (Irish, 1816–1900)

60. 基督的洗礼(右边的观众中有一名妇女抱着一个孩子)` The Baptism of Christ (with a Woman Holding a Child Among the Spectators at the Right) (ca. 1770–90) by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 高清作品[35%]

The Baptism of Christ (with a Woman Holding a Child Among the Spectators at the Right) (ca. 1770–90) -

图片文件尺寸: 2573 x 3796px


` The Baptism of Christ (with a Woman Holding a Child Among the Spectators at the Right) (ca. 1770–90) --Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (Italian, 1727-1804)