57. 当代白昼 by Robert Mars 高清作品[13%]

Light of Day, Contemporary

材质 :Mixed Media/Panel/UV Resin 尺寸 :91.4 × 61 × 6.4 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

当代白昼-罗伯特·马尔斯(American, b. 1969)

英文名称:Light of Day, Contemporary-Robert Mars

59. 体面低成本住房是我们基本权利。不再驱逐。人比利润更重要。为国际而战` Decent low cost housing is our basic right. No more evictions. People before profit. Fight for the International Hotel (1977) by Rachael Romero 高清作品[13%]

Decent low cost housing is our basic right. No more evictions. People before profit. Fight for the International Hotel (1977) -

图片文件尺寸: 3376 x 5532px


` Decent low cost housing is our basic right. No more evictions. People before profit. Fight for the International Hotel (1977) --Rachael Romero (Australian, 1953 -)