51. 露背连衣裙,一个女人坐在梳妆台旁,被一个男人羡慕`The Backless Dress, A Woman Sitting at her Dressing Table, admired by a Man by George Barbier 高清作品[22%]

AF-The Backless Dress, A Woman Sitting at her Dressing Table, admired by a Man

图片文件尺寸: 6500×4831 px


-George Barbier (1882-1932) was one of the great 法国艺术家 illustrators of the early 20th century.

The Backless Dress, A Woman Sitting at her Dressing Table, admired by a Man (illustration), by George Barbier

57. 瞄准心脏女士们,一个女人用箭射中了一个男人的心脏`Aim for the Heart Ladies, A Woman Shots a Man in the Heart with an Arrow by George Barbier 高清作品[22%]

AF-Aim for the Heart Ladies, A Woman Shots a Man in the Heart with an Arrow

图片文件尺寸: 6500×4624 px


-George Barbier (1882-1932) was one of the great 法国艺术家 illustrators of the early 20th century.

Aim for the Heart Ladies, A Woman Shots a Man in the Heart with an Arrow (illustration), by George Barbier