41. 赛后车主或培训师在培训师和上骑马并与骑师交谈黑客在右边,一个赛马场在比赛后被浇水并变得崎岖不平` After the Race; Owner or Trainer Riding and Conversing with Jockey on Trainers Hack; at Right, a Racehouse Being Watered and Rugged after Racing by Samuel Alken 高清作品[13%]

After the Race; Owner or Trainer Riding and Conversing with Jockey on Trainers Hack; at Right, a Racehouse Being Watered and Rugged after Racing-

图片文件尺寸: 4096 x 2658px


~ After the Race; Owner or Trainer Riding and Conversing with Jockey on Trainers Hack; at Right, a Racehouse Being Watered and Rugged after Racing--Samuel Alken

47. 培训和旅行服务——年龄从17岁到35岁——加入海军——申请海军招募站` The service for training and travel – Ages 17 to 35 – Join the Navy – Apply Navy recruiting station (1917) by James Montgomery Flagg 高清作品[12%]

The service for training and travel – Ages 17 to 35 – Join the Navy – Apply Navy recruiting station (1917) -

图片文件尺寸: 3591 x 2721px


~ The service for training and travel – Ages 17 to 35 – Join the Navy – Apply Navy recruiting station (1917) --James Montgomery Flagg (美国艺术家, 1877-1960)

48. 红色起源(2020年,作为她的艺术实践的延伸,马库斯接受了导乐培训——一个致力于在分娩、堕胎或流产之前、期间和之后提供支持的人——以便为有需要的妇女提供无偿服务。美国是世界上唯一一个拥有大量孕产妇发病率统计数据的发达国家。(2021年) by Rose Marcus 高清作品[11%]

Red Origin (In 2020, as an extension of her art practice, Marcus trained as a doula – a person dedicated to providing support before, during, and after childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage – in order to provide pro bono services to women in need. The United States is the only developed country in the world with significant maternal morbidity statistics.   (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Print on vinyl with no white ink adhered to architectural glass, brackets 尺寸 :182.9 × 121.9 cm Mixed Media

红色起源(2020年,作为她的艺术实践的延伸,马库斯接受了导乐培训——一个致力于在分娩、堕胎或流产之前、期间和之后提供支持的人——以便为有需要的妇女提供无偿服务。美国是世界上唯一一个拥有大量孕产妇发病率统计数据的发达国家。(2021年)-罗斯·马库斯(American, b. 1982)

英文名称:Red Origin (In 2020, as an extension of her art practice, Marcus trained as a doula – a person dedicated to providing support before, during, and after childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage – in order to provide pro bono services to women in need. The United States is the only developed country in the world with significant maternal morbidity statistics. (2021) | Available for Sale-Rose Marcus