43. 一幅宽阔景画,路上有马车和优雅人物,包括艺术家本人、两侧花园和田野,1747年 by Francesco Panini 高清作品[30%]

An extensive landscape with carriages and elegant figures on a road, including the artist himself, gardens and fields on either side, 1747

材质 :Oil on canvas 尺寸 :130 × 97 cm Painting


英文名称:An extensive landscape with carriages and elegant figures on a road, including the artist himself, gardens and fields on either side, 1747-Francesco Panini

44. 各种室内设计图纸,其中一些可能与纽约圣乔治有关。杂项室内设计草图` Design drawings for miscellaneous interiors, some possibly related to the Hotel St. George, New York, NY. Sketch for miscellaneous interior (1910) by Winold Reiss 高清作品[30%]

Design drawings for miscellaneous interiors, some possibly related to the Hotel St. George, New York, NY. Sketch for miscellaneous interior (1910) -

图片文件尺寸: 4963 x 6506px


~ Design drawings for miscellaneous interiors, some possibly related to the Hotel St. George, New York, NY. Sketch for miscellaneous interior (1910) --Winold Reiss (美国艺术家, 1886-1953)