41. 努尔是一名中国/马来西亚军阀和叛军,试图接管加坡利润丰厚的贸易路线。(2021年) by Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) 高清作品[31%]

Noor, a Chinese/Malayan warlord and rebel, seeking to take over the lucrative trade routes in Singapura. (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Mica Flake Silkscreen and Inkjet on Rives BFK Paper 尺寸 :50.8 × 39.4 cm Print


英文名称:Noor, a Chinese/Malayan warlord and rebel, seeking to take over the lucrative trade routes in Singapura. (2021) | Available for Sale-Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers)