41. 大熊猫每天花12个小时吃15公斤竹子竹子富含蛋白质和纤维,这就是它们每天大便50次的原因!有时它们会同时吃东西和大便(2019年) by Rob Pruitt 高清作品[29%]

Giant Pandas Spend About 12 Hours a Day Eating Up to 15 Kilograms of Bamboo. Bamboo is Rich in Protein as Well as Fibre, Which is Why They Poop Up to 50 Times a Day! Sometimes They Eat and Poop at the Same Time (2019) | Available for Sale

材质 :Screenprints in colors on Somerset Tub Sized Satin Radiant White 410gsm paper 尺寸 :76 × 60 cm Print

大熊猫每天花12个小时吃15公斤竹子竹子富含蛋白质和纤维,这就是它们每天大便50次的原因!有时它们会同时吃东西和大便(2019年)-罗布·普鲁伊特(American, b. 1964)

英文名称:Giant Pandas Spend About 12 Hours a Day Eating Up to 15 Kilograms of Bamboo. Bamboo is Rich in Protein as Well as Fibre, Which is Why They Poop Up to 50 Times a Day! Sometimes They Eat and Poop at the Same Time (2019) | Available for Sale-Rob Pruitt