46. 艺术协会大厅#艺术是通过劳动获得(艺术是通过劳动获得)莱顿` The Hall of the Artistic Society ;Kunst wordt door Arbeid verkregen (Art is Acquired through Labor) in Leiden (1780) by Paulus Constantijn la Fargue 高清作品[43%]

The Hall of the Artistic Society ;Kunst wordt door Arbeid verkregen (Art is Acquired through Labor) in Leiden (1780) -

图片文件尺寸: 6032 x 4662px


~ The Hall of the Artistic Society ;Kunst wordt door Arbeid verkregen (Art is Acquired through Labor) in Leiden (1780) --Paulus Constantijn la Fargue (荷兰艺术家, 1729 - 1782)