42. 美国国家卫生研究院发展残疾人破坏性行为治疗共识发展会议` NIH Consensus Development Conference on treatment of destructive behaviors in persons with developmental disabilities (1989) by National Institutes of Health 高清作品[15%]

NIH Consensus Development Conference on treatment of destructive behaviors in persons with developmental disabilities (1989) -

图片文件尺寸: 2106 x 3143px


` NIH Consensus Development Conference on treatment of destructive behaviors in persons with developmental disabilities (1989) --National Institutes of Health (美国艺术家, 1887-)

50. 革命将向各个方向发展(《纽约时报》,2019年12月11日,星期三)(2019年) by Rirkrit Tiravanija & Tomas Vu 高清作品[14%]

The revolution will come in every direction (The New York Times, Wednesday, December 11, 2019) (2019)

材质 :Silkscreen on newspaper 尺寸 :56 × 61 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

革命将向各个方向发展(《纽约时报》,2019年12月11日,星期三)(2019年)-Rirkrit Tirania&汤玛斯·伍

英文名称:The revolution will come in every direction (The New York Times, Wednesday, December 11, 2019) (2019)-Rirkrit Tiravanija & Tomas Vu