45. 一幅景画中的两个人物(recto)人头研究(自画像)(verso)` Two Figures in a Landscape (recto); Study of Man’s Head (Self~portrait) (verso) (1987) by Edwin Austin Abbey 高清作品[28%]

Two Figures in a Landscape (recto); Study of Man’s Head (Self~portrait) (verso) (1987) -

图片文件尺寸: 2712 x 1955px


~ Two Figures in a Landscape (recto); Study of Man’s Head (Self~portrait) (verso) (1987) --Edwin Austin Abbey (美国艺术家, 1852 - 1911)

47. 一幅夏日景画,画中的人物和羊群在河边休息,牛群正在河边浇水` A summer landscape with figures resting with their flock beside a river where cattle are watering by Frederik Marinus Kruseman 高清作品[28%]

A summer landscape with figures resting with their flock beside a river where cattle are watering-

图片文件尺寸: 2897 x 2204px


` A summer landscape with figures resting with their flock beside a river where cattle are watering--Frederik Marinus Kruseman (荷兰艺术家, 1816-1882)

48. 一个Trompe Loeil静物画,由Jean-François de La Motte创作的一座小屋旁的一幅景画一幅浮雕和一位农民的中间人组成` A Trompe Loeil Still Life, With A Painted Landscape, A Relief And A Mezzotint Of Peasants By A Cottage by Jean François de La Motte 高清作品[28%]

A Trompe Loeil Still Life, With A Painted Landscape, A Relief And A Mezzotint Of Peasants By A Cottage-

图片文件尺寸: 4000 x 2753px

一个Trompe Loeil静物画,由Jean-François de La Motte创作的一座小屋旁的一幅景画一幅浮雕和一位农民的中间人组成-让·弗朗索瓦·德拉莫特

~ A Trompe Loeil Still Life, With A Painted Landscape, A Relief And A Mezzotint Of Peasants By A Cottage--Jean François de La Motte (法国艺术家, 1635-1685)