47. 一个罕见的雪松木雕马术神化祖先雕像,来自阿富汗东北部的卡菲里斯坦,曾被称为“兴都库什”(1850-1900) by Ethnographic Art 高清作品[10%]

A Rare Carved Cedar-Wood Equestrian Deified Ancestor Figure from Kafiristan North Eastern Afghanistan once known as the ‘Hindu Kush’ (1850-1900)

材质 :Wood, Quartz 尺寸 :45.5 × 22 × 13 cm Other


英文名称:A Rare Carved Cedar-Wood Equestrian Deified Ancestor Figure from Kafiristan North Eastern Afghanistan once known as the ‘Hindu Kush’ (1850-1900)-Ethnographic Art