32. 巴洛克风格装饰板设计,用于普拉斯林城堡(Chateau de Vaux Praslin)` Design for a decorative panel in the Baroque style for the Chateau de Vaux~Praslin (19th Century) by Jules-Edmond-Charles Lachaise 高清作品[28%]

Design for a decorative panel in the Baroque style for the Chateau de Vaux~Praslin (19th Century) -

图片文件尺寸: 2423 x 3688px

巴洛克风格装饰板设计,用于普拉斯林城堡(Chateau de Vaux Praslin)-朱尔斯·爱德蒙·查尔斯·拉切斯

~ Design for a decorative panel in the Baroque style for the Chateau de Vaux~Praslin (19th Century) --Jules-Edmond-Charles Lachaise (法国艺术家, ?-1897)

40. 洛可可风格房间门窗墙装饰设计,带有凹形天花板和凹形中央扇形灯` Design for the Decoration of the Window Door Wall of a Rococo Room with a Coved Ceiling and Coved Central Fanlight (mid~18th century) by Thomas Lightoler 高清作品[27%]

Design for the Decoration of the Window Door Wall of a Rococo Room with a Coved Ceiling and Coved Central Fanlight (mid~18th century) -

图片文件尺寸: 3500 x 2561px


~ Design for the Decoration of the Window Door Wall of a Rococo Room with a Coved Ceiling and Coved Central Fanlight (mid~18th century) --Thomas Lightoler (English, active 1742-1875)