32. 1945年3月1日,第二次世界大战莱茵河战役期间,美国士兵伊万·帕罗在德国诺伊斯附近无人区的烟雾奔跑 by Tony Vaccaro 高清作品[16%]

American GI Ivan Parrott is seen running through smoke in no man’s land near Neuss, Germany during the Battle for the Rhine, World War II, 1st March 1945

材质 :Vintage gelatin silver print 尺寸 :25.4 × 20.3 cm Photography


英文名称:American GI Ivan Parrott is seen running through smoke in no man’s land near Neuss, Germany during the Battle for the Rhine, World War II, 1st March 1945-Tony Vaccaro

40. 一位优雅的猎人带着他的狗和猎物在岩石景观休息,画布上有油画` An Elegant Huntsman With His Dog And Game Resting In A Rocky Landscape, Oil On Canvas by Nicolaas Stramot II 高清作品[15%]

An Elegant Huntsman With His Dog And Game Resting In A Rocky Landscape, Oil On Canvas-

图片文件尺寸: 5658 x 3656px


~ An Elegant Huntsman With His Dog And Game Resting In A Rocky Landscape, Oil On Canvas--Nicolaas Stramot II (Spanish, 1637 - 1709)