40. 捕梦者——棕色水牛的灵魂 - 5700×7125px 高清作品[20%]

AF1735B31-Dream Catcher - Spirit Of The Brown Buffalo

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×7125 px

捕梦者——棕色水牛的灵魂-Dream Catcher - Spirit Of The Brown Buffalo

-Brown Buffalo, spirit of strength and independence, your deep connection to Mother Earth tells us to honor the sacredness of all creatures, to protect those who are endangered, to respect all paths, though they may be different than ours, to praise all that nature and life has given us. And peace and abundance will flow into our world. Spirit Of The Brown Buffalo is from the \'Dream Catcher\' collection of original wildlife art by Carol Cavalaris.

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