34. 玛雅-镶街头/波普艺术数字印刷玛雅·安杰洛肖像-文学偶像和活动家-紫色+黄色的黑人女性(2020年) by Amy Smith 高清作品[19%]

Maya - Framed Street / Pop Art Digital Print Portrait of Maya Angelou - Literary Icon and Activist - Black Woman in Purple + Yellow (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Print on Coventry Rag Paper 尺寸 :61 × 45.7 cm Print


英文名称:Maya - Framed Street / Pop Art Digital Print Portrait of Maya Angelou - Literary Icon and Activist - Black Woman in Purple + Yellow (2020) | Available for Sale-Amy Smith

37. 圣物箱语料库(没有我选择/没有我选择)(2021) by Catalina Ouyang 高清作品[19%]

reliquary corpus (There is no I that chooses / There is no I that I choose) (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Wood, steel, paper pulp, beeswax, horse hair, oyster shells, synthetic hair, epoxy clay, polymer clay, soapstone, oil paint 尺寸 :121.9 × 45.7 × 81.3 cm Sculpture


英文名称:reliquary corpus (There is no I that chooses / There is no I that I choose) (2021) | Available for Sale-Catalina Ouyang

39. 选择快乐 - 4000×4000px 高清作品[18%]

AFB6068385-Choose Happy

图片文件尺寸 : 4000×4000 px

选择快乐-Choose Happy

-A team of talented artists working full time for SunDance. All SD Graphic Studio Artists have college degrees in graphic design and varied awards and accolades.