27. 我们希望成为这一过程中的好伙伴,认识到最终将由其执法部门来执行需要做出的决定(2015年) by Latifa Echakhch 高清作品[24%]

And we want to be a good partner in that process, recognizing that ultimately it will be up to its law enforcement to carry out the decisions that need to be made (2015)

材质 :Ink on 52 grams blank newspaper 尺寸 :61 × 45 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:And we want to be a good partner in that process, recognizing that ultimately it will be up to its law enforcement to carry out the decisions that need to be made (2015)-Latifa Echakhch

28. 蔡斯·康拉德6岁时开始运动。作为一名来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的运动员,他在成长过程中没有任何同性恋榜样。(2018年) by Jamil Hellu 高清作品[23%]

Chase Conrad started playing sports when he was 6 years old. As an athlete from Pasadena, CA, he didn\'t have any gay role models growing up. (2018) | Available for Sale

材质 :Digital pigment print 尺寸 :147.3 × 101.6 cm Photography


英文名称:Chase Conrad started playing sports when he was 6 years old. As an athlete from Pasadena, CA, he didn\'t have any gay role models growing up. (2018) | Available for Sale-Jamil Hellu

29. 治疗过程中的阴性血液并不意味着固化继续治疗,直到Leslie Bryan Burroughs排出` Negative blood during treatment does not mean cure Continue treatment until discharged (1936~1939) by Leslie Bryan Burroughs 高清作品[22%]

Negative blood during treatment does not mean cure Continue treatment until discharged (1936`1939) -

图片文件尺寸: 2350 x 3681px

治疗过程中的阴性血液并不意味着固化继续治疗,直到Leslie Bryan Burroughs排出-Leslie Bryan Burroughs.

` Negative blood during treatment does not mean cure Continue treatment until discharged (1936`1939) --Leslie Bryan Burroughs (美国艺术家, 19th Century)

30. 在给予奴隶自由的过程中,我们给予和保护的东西都是值得尊敬的。亚伯拉罕·林肯` In giving freedom to the slave, honourable alike in what we give and what we preserve. Abraham Lincoln (1971) by Paul Peter Piech 高清作品[21%]

In giving freedom to the slave, honourable alike in what we give and what we preserve. Abraham Lincoln (1971) -

图片文件尺寸: 3220 x 8960px


~ In giving freedom to the slave, honourable alike in what we give and what we preserve. Abraham Lincoln (1971) --Paul Peter Piech (美国艺术家, 1920-1996)