23. 《七个妓女与道家神仙》中的妓女在盆栽梅花旁读书` Courtesan Reading Beside a Potted Plum Tree, from the series Seven Courtesans Compared to Daoist Immortals (early 1820s) by Gakutei Harunobu 高清作品[33%]

Courtesan Reading Beside a Potted Plum Tree, from the series Seven Courtesans Compared to Daoist Immortals (early 1820s) -

图片文件尺寸: 5681 x 6359px


~ Courtesan Reading Beside a Potted Plum Tree, from the series Seven Courtesans Compared to Daoist Immortals (early 1820s) --Gakutei Harunobu (Japanese, 1786-1868)