22. 82(土耳其主要使用互联网创建社交媒档案、发送信息和共享内容的人口比例),2017年 by Hayal Pozanti 高清作品[28%]

82 (Percentage of people in Turkey whose primary use of the internet is to create social media profiles, to message and to share content), 2017

材质 :Acrylic and oil stick on canvas 尺寸 :101.6 × 101.6 cm Painting


英文名称:82 (Percentage of people in Turkey whose primary use of the internet is to create social media profiles, to message and to share content), 2017-Hayal Pozanti

28. 连续 - 凯丝·西玛德 高清作品[27%]

Continuum-Cath Simard

Curated by ThankYou X

Cath Simard

b. 1989



127 by 101.6 cm. 50 by 40 in.

Executed in 2018.

Please note that this Lot is a physical item and a non-fungible token (“NFT”) will be gifted by the artist to the buyer. Details of the NFT that will be gifted to the buyer are as follows:

This work is accompanied by a NFT, ERC - 721

Token ID: 1

Contract Address: 0x01741d3802174b3a475b96d8878f1f0a3c6d615f

Minted in: February 2022

Metadata: JPEG
