28. 老虎天空 - 7200×4500px 高清作品[18%]

AF984B919-Tiger Sky

图片文件尺寸 : 7200×4500 px

老虎天空-Tiger Sky

Reflecting the
Fire and power of the sky
Creature of primal instincts
Spirit of courage
Messenger of personal strength
Showing me how to trust myself
Helping me face unpredictability and storms
That may appear suddenly in my path
Teaching me how to follow my intuition
Showing me I can overcome fear
And face every threat
Real or imagined
Embrace every emotion
With the knowledge
That within me
Beats a heart
As brave
As a tiger.

Tiger Sky prose by Carol Cavalaris.

This artwork of a tiger in profile, reflecting all the colors of a fiery sky, is from the Spirit Of The Wild Big Cat Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.