12. 北威尔士兰费尔教堂(Llanfair Church),一篇关于景画和水彩效果的论文` Llanfair Church, North Wales for A Treatise on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colours (ca. 1813) by David Cox 高清作品[30%]

Llanfair Church, North Wales for A Treatise on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colours (ca. 1813) -

图片文件尺寸: 4096 x 1413px

北威尔士兰费尔教堂(Llanfair Church),一篇关于景画和水彩效果的论文-柯道远

~ Llanfair Church, North Wales for A Treatise on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colours (ca. 1813) --David Cox (English, 1783-1859)

13. 体育牧师;一个发现——我们的牧师只是跟着他,看看他亲爱的兄弟们是怎么的` The Sporting Parson; A Find~ and Our Parson Just Follows a Little, to See How His Dear Brethren Behave Themselves by Hablot Knight Browne 高清作品[29%]

The Sporting Parson; A Find~ and Our Parson Just Follows a Little, to See How His Dear Brethren Behave Themselves-

图片文件尺寸: 4096 x 2931px


~ The Sporting Parson; A Find~ and Our Parson Just Follows a Little, to See How His Dear Brethren Behave Themselves--Hablot Knight Browne (English, 1815 – 1882)

14. 圣母与圣婴,圣杰罗姆和圣约翰远处的风景,威尼斯的景色,一副假浅浮雕putti在玩耍 - 贝尔纳迪诺·迪马里奥托·德洛·斯塔尼奥 高清作品[28%]

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino-di-Mariotto-dello-Stagno

15. ;我不知道我不知道如果我现在有个孩子我会怎么我还没准备好。这需要的不仅仅是钱,你知道` ;I dont know what I would do if I had a child now–Im not prepared. It takes more than money, you know (1981) by U.S.. Department of Health & Human Services 高清作品[25%]

;I dont know what I would do if I had a child now–Im not prepared. It takes more than money, you know (1981) -

图片文件尺寸: 1650 x 3504px


` ;I dont know what I would do if I had a child now–Im not prepared. It takes more than money, you know (1981) --U.S.. Department of Health & Human Services (美国艺术家, 1953-)

16. 一个Trompe Loeil静物画,由Jean-François de La Motte创作的一座小屋旁的一幅景画、一幅浮雕和一位农民的中间人组成` A Trompe Loeil Still Life, With A Painted Landscape, A Relief And A Mezzotint Of Peasants By A Cottage by Jean François de La Motte 高清作品[24%]

A Trompe Loeil Still Life, With A Painted Landscape, A Relief And A Mezzotint Of Peasants By A Cottage-

图片文件尺寸: 4000 x 2753px

一个Trompe Loeil静物画,由Jean-François de La Motte创作的一座小屋旁的一幅景画、一幅浮雕和一位农民的中间人组成-让·弗朗索瓦·德拉莫特

~ A Trompe Loeil Still Life, With A Painted Landscape, A Relief And A Mezzotint Of Peasants By A Cottage--Jean François de La Motte (法国艺术家, 1635-1685)

20. 怎么了?他怎么了?1930 by Paul Klee 高清作品[22%]

Was fehlt ihm? (What’s the Matter with Him?), 1930

材质 :Stamped drawing in ink on Ingres paper on cardboard 尺寸 :55.5 × 34 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

怎么了?他怎么了?1930-保罗·克莱(German, 1879–1940)

英文名称:Was fehlt ihm? (What’s the Matter with Him?), 1930-Paul Klee