12. 窗外静物 - 马克·夏加尔 高清作品[43%]

Nature morte devant la fenêtre-Marc Chagall

Property of a Private Collector

Marc Chagall

1887 - 1985

Nature morte devant la fenêtre

signed Marc Chagall and dated Vence 1953 (lower right)

brush and ink and wash on paper

62.5 by 47.8cm., 24⅝ by 18¾in.

Framed: 81.4 by 66.5cm., 32 by 26¼in.

Executed in Vence in 1953.

The authenticity of this work has kindly been confirmed by the Comité Chagall.

Nature morte devant la fenêtre-Marc-Chagall

13. 凝视窗外 - 4390×5600px 高清作品[43%]

AF1051B045-Peering Out The Window

图片文件尺寸 : 4390×5600 px

凝视窗外-Peering Out The Window

-This painting was inspired from a picture I took of my cat, Samantha, while she was looking at the leaves flying in the wind, in the Fall.

To provide with the best quality reproduction this painting was photographed by a professional photographer. He creates reproduction-quality digital files by direct capture, using a state-of-the-art 50 megapixel Hasselblad H5D camera.