11. 什么颜色画你最喜欢的景画?(2020年) by Katja Loher 高清作品[27%]

With which colors do you draw your favorite landscpe? (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Two-channel video composition, 7:20min, looped Hand-blown glass bubble, video screen embedded in white acrylic pedestal on/off switch and sound knob 尺寸 :35.6 × 35.6 × 25.4 cm Installation

什么颜色画你最喜欢的景画?(2020年)-Katja Loher(Swiss, b. 1979)

英文名称:With which colors do you draw your favorite landscpe? (2020) | Available for Sale-Katja Loher

12. 节日的爱对待那些人 - 2256×1496px 高清作品[20%]

AFB6065997-Treat Those With Holiday Love

图片文件尺寸 : 2256×1496 px

节日的爱对待那些人-Treat Those With Holiday Love

-Kali has been a lover of art since she was a child. She followed her dreams and received her BFA in Visual Communications with a minor in Photography. After graduating she left her home state of Michigan and traveled west for two years working as a photographer. Kali now lives in Florida and continues her work as a photographer and graphic artist. �

18. 瓜曼波马的意图是什么?“瓜曼·波马什么写了他的编年史?”(2019年) by Jose Vera Matos 高清作品[19%]

¿Cuál fue la intención de Guaman Poma? Transcripción a mano del texto “¿Con qué  n escribió Guaman Poma su crónica?” (2019)

材质 :Fountain pen, graphite and ink on bamboo paper 尺寸 :68 × 53 cm

瓜曼波马的意图是什么?“瓜曼·波马什么写了他的编年史?”(2019年)-何塞·维拉·马托斯(Peruvian, b. 1981)

英文名称:¿Cuál fue la intención de Guaman Poma? Transcripción a mano del texto “¿Con qué n escribió Guaman Poma su crónica?” (2019)-Jose Vera Matos