14. 灵感来源:《皇室之请于元宵节》,蔡祥著,红松译(大师诗集),2020年 by Linda Saccoccio 高清作品[34%]

Inspiration: “On Lantern Festival at Imperial  Request,” by Ts’ai Hsiang, translated by Red Pine (Poems of the Masters), 2020

材质 :Gouache and Watercolor 尺寸 :15.2 × 20.3 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px


英文名称:Inspiration: “On Lantern Festival at Imperial Request,” by Ts’ai Hsiang, translated by Red Pine (Poems of the Masters), 2020-Linda Saccoccio

15. 隐形敌人不存在(Nimrud西北宫2、5、10、15、17号展板1区F室)(2019年) by Michael Rakowitz 高清作品[34%]

The invisible enemy should not exist (Room F, section 1, panels 2, 5, 10, 15, 17, Northwest Palace of Nimrud) (2019) | Available for Sale

材质 :Middle Eastern food packaging and newspapers, glue, cardboard on wooden structures and labels 尺寸 :1124 × 834.4 × 90.2 cm Installation

隐形敌人不存在(Nimrud西北宫2、5、10、15、17号展板1区F室)(2019年)-拉克威茨(Iraqi-American, b. 1973)

英文名称:The invisible enemy should not exist (Room F, section 1, panels 2, 5, 10, 15, 17, Northwest Palace of Nimrud) (2019) | Available for Sale-Michael Rakowitz

17. 帕拉斯·哥伦比亚的要求,狩猎女神使特迪西斯习惯于追逐的危险` The goddess of hunting, at the request of Pallas Columbia, accustoms Teddysses to the perils of the chase (1907) by Otho Cushing 高清作品[28%]

The goddess of hunting, at the request of Pallas Columbia, accustoms Teddysses to the perils of the chase (1907) -

图片文件尺寸: 8162 x 6281px


~ The goddess of hunting, at the request of Pallas Columbia, accustoms Teddysses to the perils of the chase (1907) --Otho Cushing (美国艺术家, 1870-1942)