14. 治愈之地 - 7200×7200px 高清作品[36%]

AFB303507-The Healing Place

图片文件尺寸 : 7200×7200 px

治愈之地-The Healing Place

-There is a magical place
of beauty and grace
waiting for you
with a healing embrace.
Where your energy will flow
within nature\'s green glow.
Where your mind and body
can rest and find peace and happiness.
Where your spirit and soul
can bathe beneath a Chakra rainbow.
And inside your heart
love will grow.

The Healing Place prose by Carol Cavalaris.

This painting of a woman sitting inside a lotus blossom that is floating on a lake, with a lush tropical waterfall and a rainbow bathing her in a Chakra glow, is from the \'Healing\' collection of art by Carol Cavalaris. This is part of a series focusing on the Chakra colors.

15. 治愈海洋 - 7500×4590px 高清作品[36%]

AF5513989-Healing Ocean

图片文件尺寸 : 7500×4590 px

治愈海洋-Healing Ocean

Bathed in
A Chakra rainbow
Of healing color
To renew your spirit.

Healing Ocean prose by Carol Cavalaris.

This artwork of a rainbow arching across a cloud-filled sky and ocean, bathing everything in a calming, healing Chakra rainbow of colors, is from the Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.

16. 治愈玫瑰 - 5700×7599px 高清作品[36%]

AF871B600-Healing Rose

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×7599 px

治愈玫瑰-Healing Rose

-Healing Rose
How vibrant
Your beauty flows
Filling up my
With your
Chakra rainbow.

Healing Rose prose by Carol Cavalaris

This painting of a rose reflecting all the colors of a Chakra rainbow, with healing energies flowing in abundance and surrounded by Chakra butterflies, is from the Healing Collection, as well as Language Of Flowers collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.

17. 治愈女神 - 5700×6900px 高清作品[36%]

AF5439009-Goddess Of Healing

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×6900 px

治愈女神-Goddess Of Healing

Goddess of Healing
A gift from the Universe
I breathe in your essence
That is heaven scent
I gaze in wonder
At your glory that glows
A living rainbow
In all the colors of the Chakras
I open my body, mind, and spirit
To your healing embrace
You gently flow
Into my heart
And love grows
Inside my soul

Goddess Of Healing prose by Carol Cavalaris

This artwork honors the exquisite iris that is always an inspiration for me. I imagine powerful spirits dwelling inside the petals and perhaps that is why the beauty of this flower is so healing. The Greek word for goddess is iris, and so I filled this Chakra colored iris with healing goddesses. Goddess Of Healing is a mixed medium work from the Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris. Healing Goddess series includes: Goddess Of Insight, Goddess Of Growth, Goddess Of Thought, Celestial Goddesses, and Goddess Of Healing.

18. 治愈莲花心 - 4500×7800px 高清作品[35%]

AF8818077-Healing Lotus - Heart

图片文件尺寸 : 4500×7800 px

治愈莲花心-Healing Lotus - Heart

-Heart Chakra Lotus
spirit of love
your color green
radiating the energy of growth
for all of nature.
Your element air
helping me embrace the center
of my emotional power
as I breathe in the healing beauty
of love and compassion
given and received equally for myself and others.

This painting of lotus flowers in the healing colors of the Third Eye Chakra, blooming inside a lotus pod vase, is from the Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris. This artwork is also available in other Chakra colors, including crown, third eye, throat, solar plexus, sacral, and root Chakras.

19. 治愈圣洁女神 - 5700×6900px 高清作品[35%]

AF6979748-Healing Sacral Goddess

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×6900 px

治愈圣洁女神-Healing Sacral Goddess

-Healing Sacral Goddess
Spirit of creation
Your color orange
Radiating the life energy of
Sexuality and creativity
Helping me connect with others
As well as my own self expression
Your element water
Guiding me through the constantly
Flowing waves of life
With joy, peace, and an open heart.

Healing Sacral Goddess prose by Carol Cavalaris

This artwork of a mermaid goddess radiating the healing energy of the sacral chakra as she splashes in ocean waves is from the Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.