12. 罗马及周边景观专辑,风景研究,第19a页:坐着的女性形象` Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 19a: Seated Female Figure by Franz Johann Heinrich Nadorp 高清作品[36%]

Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 19a: Seated Female Figure-

图片文件尺寸: 4742 x 3470px


~ Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 19a: Seated Female Figure--Franz Johann Heinrich Nadorp (德国艺术家, 1794-1876)

14. 《罗马及周边景观专辑》,风景研究,第18a页:罗马圣约翰·拉特兰` Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 18a: Saint John Lateran, Rome by Franz Johann Heinrich Nadorp 高清作品[35%]

Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 18a: Saint John Lateran, Rome-

图片文件尺寸: 3769 x 4970px


~ Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 18a: Saint John Lateran, Rome--Franz Johann Heinrich Nadorp (德国艺术家, 1794-1876)

15. 《罗马及周边风景集》,景观研究,第06a页:“罗马景观”罗马圣保罗门` Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 06a: “Rome von der Porta St. Paolo” by Franz Johann Heinrich Nadorp 高清作品[34%]

Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 06a: “Rome von der Porta St. Paolo”-

图片文件尺寸: 4910 x 3829px


~ Album with Views of Rome and Surroundings, Landscape Studies, page 06a: “Rome von der Porta St. Paolo”--Franz Johann Heinrich Nadorp (德国艺术家, 1794-1876)

19. 周边投影柱(2019) by Bella Rune 高清作品[29%]

Peripheral Projection Pillar (2019) | Available for Sale

材质 :Silk mohair dyed with Hapalopilus croceus and Kool-Aid (Berry blue, Green apple and Black cherry), metal 尺寸 :620 × 100 × 100 cm Sculpture

周边投影柱(2019)-贝拉·符文(Swedish, b. 1971)

英文名称:Peripheral Projection Pillar (2019) | Available for Sale-Bella Rune