13. 鹰女神灵魂的使者 - 4500×3375px 高清作品[34%]

AF1777408-Hawk Goddess-Messenger Of The Spirit

图片文件尺寸 : 4500×3375 px

鹰女神灵魂的使者-Hawk Goddess-Messenger Of The Spirit

-Hawk Goddess
messenger of the spirit
keeper of my dreams
teach me
to open my wings
to fly without fear
to hear and speak
unsaid things.
Guide me
help me see
who I am
who I can be.

Hawk Goddess prose by Carol Cavalaris

This digital painting of a hawk goddess with giant hawk wings spread wide, with a hawk face in the moon and hawks flying in a tumultuous sky, is from the Goddess collection of original art by Carol Cavalaris.

16. 大流行的官方饮料什么可乐吗?如果没有,为什么没有?(2020年) by Skylar Fein 高清作品[33%]

What is the official drink of the pandemic? Is it Coke? If not, why not? (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Digital darkroom print on Kodak Endura Metallic Paper, face mounted to acrylic 尺寸 :99.1 × 99.1 cm Print

大流行的官方饮料什么可乐吗?如果没有,为什么没有?(2020年)-斯凯拉·费恩(American, b. 1968)

英文名称:What is the official drink of the pandemic? Is it Coke? If not, why not? (2020) | Available for Sale-Skylar Fein

17. 一切都一样的。没有什么我们所想的/一切都一样的。我们认为没有什么(2010-2020年) by Carlos Garaicoa 高清作品[33%]

Todo es igual. Nada es como pensamos/ Everything Is The Same. Nothing Is As We Think (2010 -2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Hand cut adhesive tape on cutting blanket 尺寸 :44.8 × 29.8 cm Mixed Media

一切都一样的。没有什么我们所想的/一切都一样的。我们认为没有什么(2010-2020年)-卡洛斯·加雷科(Cuban, b. 1967)

英文名称:Todo es igual. Nada es como pensamos/ Everything Is The Same. Nothing Is As We Think (2010 -2020) | Available for Sale-Carlos Garaicoa