3. 来自标枪队的学生在暑假前在约旦河西岸城市阿布迪斯练习标枪,以色列隔离旁边(2000年) by Tanya Habjouqa 高清作品[20%]

Students from the javelin team practice before summer vacation in the West Bank city of Abu Dis, next to the Israeli Separation Wall (2000)

材质 : 尺寸 : Photography

来自标枪队的学生在暑假前在约旦河西岸城市阿布迪斯练习标枪,以色列隔离旁边(2000年)-Tanya Habjouqa

英文名称:Students from the javelin team practice before summer vacation in the West Bank city of Abu Dis, next to the Israeli Separation Wall (2000)-Tanya Habjouqa

10. 你用什么颜色你最喜欢的风景?(2020年) by Katja Loher 高清作品[17%]

With which colors do you draw your favorite landscpe? (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Two-channel video composition, 7:20min, looped Hand-blown glass bubble, video screen embedded in white acrylic pedestal on/off switch and sound knob 尺寸 :35.6 × 35.6 × 25.4 cm Installation

你用什么颜色你最喜欢的风景?(2020年)-Katja Loher(Swiss, b. 1979)

英文名称:With which colors do you draw your favorite landscpe? (2020) | Available for Sale-Katja Loher