4. 那面旧国旗从未落地`The Old Flag Never Touched the Ground by National Guard Rick Reeves 高清作品[26%]

AF-The Old Flag Never Touched the Ground

图片文件尺寸: 13196×8692 px


-Fort Wagner, South Carolina , 18 July 1863

The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was recruited in the spring of 1863 by Governor John Andrew, who had secured the reluctant permission of the War Department to create a regiment of African-美国艺术家 soldiers. Regimental commander, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, requested the honor of leading the attack of Fort Wagner. Despite withering cannon and rifle fire, the men sustained their charge until they reached the top of the rampart. There, Colonel Shaw was mortally wounded. There also, Sergeant William Carney, who had earlier taken up the national colors when the color sergeant had been shot, planted the flag and fought off numerous attempts by the Confederates to capture it.