4. 1744年10月5日,斯特拉斯堡市为庆祝路易十五(1745)的康复,制作了两幅灯饰和焰火的节日版画 by Jacques Philippe Le Bas 高清作品[29%]

Two festival prints of the illuminations and fireworks in the city of Strasbourg on October 5, 1744, celebrating the convalescence of Louis XV (1745)

材质 :Engraving on laid paper, with watermark Large double-headed eagle with countermark Auvergne 尺寸 :44.4 × 76.6 cm Print

1744年10月5日,斯特拉斯堡市为庆祝路易十五(1745)的康复,制作了两幅灯饰和焰火的节日版画-雅克·菲利普·勒巴斯(French, 1707–1783)

英文名称:Two festival prints of the illuminations and fireworks in the city of Strasbourg on October 5, 1744, celebrating the convalescence of Louis XV (1745)-Jacques Philippe Le Bas