3. 午后姿势 - 3872×2593px 高清作品[50%]

AFB6064619-Afternoon Pose

图片文件尺寸 : 3872×2593 px

午后姿势-Afternoon Pose

-Promoting coexistence between lions and other large carnivores and people in Niassa Reserve, Mozambique.
To secure lions in the Niassa National Reserve by reducing human-induced threats and promoting coexistence between lions and people. Dr. Colleen and Keith Begg acknowledge the costs to communities who live with lions while recognizing the potential for lions to provide ecological, economic and cultural benefits to the Niassa National Reserve and Mozambique.
Company Overview
Dr. Colleen and Keith Begg along with a team of local Mozambicans are working to conserve lions and other large carnivores in an immense (16,000 square miles or double the size of the Kruger National Park) wilderness called Niassa Reserve in northern Mozambique.

20% of sales will be donated to the Niassa Lion Project