10. 曼哈顿第五大道503号西摩大厦西侧第二城市节奏,第五大道和第42街,1938年9月6日() by Berenice Abbott 高清作品[25%]

Tempo of the City 2, 5th Avenue and 42nd Street, looking west from Seymour Building, 503 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, September 6 (1938) | Available for Sale

材质 :Silver gelatin print. Vintage 尺寸 :25.4 × 20.3 cm Photography


英文名称:Tempo of the City 2, 5th Avenue and 42nd Street, looking west from Seymour Building, 503 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, September 6 (1938) | Available for Sale-Berenice Abbott