6. 我的生命,你们的生命,以及我们祖先的生命,在昨天,今天,明天,在过去和将来(2021年)嵌入我们呼吸的每一块岩石,每一粒种子和每一个原子中 by Patrizia Biondi 高清作品[27%]

My Life, Your Life and the Life of Our Ancestors Is Embedded In Every Rock, In Every Seed and In Every Atom We Breathe, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Ever Before and Ever After (2021)

材质 :Cardboard, Paint, Timber. 尺寸 :206 × 97 × 93 cm Sculpture


英文名称:My Life, Your Life and the Life of Our Ancestors Is Embedded In Every Rock, In Every Seed and In Every Atom We Breathe, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Ever Before and Ever After (2021)-Patrizia Biondi