2. 阶梯式、三面板、涂漆装饰性折叠屏风的设计草图。][面图、立面图和详图]` Design sketches for stepped, three~panel, painted decorative folding screens.] [Drawing of plans, elevation, and details (1925) by Winold Reiss 高清作品[38%]

Design sketches for stepped, three~panel, painted decorative folding screens.] [Drawing of plans, elevation, and details (1925) -

图片文件尺寸: 4764 x 6290px


~ Design sketches for stepped, three~panel, painted decorative folding screens.] [Drawing of plans, elevation, and details (1925) --Winold Reiss (美国艺术家, 1886-1953)

4. 纽约州纽约市西181街和百老汇圣詹姆斯酒吧餐厅改建设计和照片。]【外部透视立面图面图草图】` Designs and photographs for alterations to St. James Bar Restaurant, W. 181st St. and Broadway, New York, NY.] [Sketch for exterior perspective elevation and plan (1945) by Winold Reiss 高清作品[35%]

Designs and photographs for alterations to St. James Bar Restaurant, W. 181st St. and Broadway, New York, NY.] [Sketch for exterior perspective elevation and plan (1945) -

图片文件尺寸: 9112 x 7128px


~ Designs and photographs for alterations to St. James Bar Restaurant, W. 181st St. and Broadway, New York, NY.] [Sketch for exterior perspective elevation and plan (1945) --Winold Reiss (美国艺术家, 1886-1953)