2. i、 我和DOBs/ii先生。Kaikai,Kiki,DOB和POM在死人堆上/iii.混乱/iv.我在超自然中/v.我遇到了一个熊猫家庭/vi.POM&我:在红色的死亡之山上(六部作品) - 村上隆 高清作品[82%]

i. Me and the Mr. DOBs/ ii. Kaikai, Kiki, DOB and POM atop the Mound of the Dead/ iii. Chaos/ iv. Me Among The Supernatural/ v. I Met A Panda Family/ vi. Pom & Me: On the Red Mount of the Dead (Six Works)

  • Takashi Murakami
  • i. Me and the Mr. DOBs/ ii. Kaikai, Kiki, DOB and POM atop the Mound of the Dead/ iii. Chaos/ iv. Me Among The Supernatural/ v. I Met A Panda Family/ vi. Pom & Me: On the Red Mount of the Dead (Six Works)
  • offset lithograph
  • i. Me and the Mr. DOBs/ ii. Kaikai, Kiki, DOB and POM atop the Mound of the Dead/ iii. Chaos/ iv. Me Among The Supernatural/ v. I Met A Panda Family/ vi. Pom & Me: On the Red Mount of the Dead (Six Works)-MURAKAMI-TAKASHI
    (i、 我和DOBs/ii先生。Kaikai,Kiki,DOB和POM在死人堆上/iii.混乱/iv.我在超自然中/v.我遇到了一个熊猫家庭/vi.POM&我:在红色的死亡之山上(六部作品)-村上隆)