1. 罗马竞技场和其他罗马纪念碑的古典景观;一幅古典的景画,人物在湖前休息,远处是一座城堡 - -弗兰斯-范-弗劳尔斯-叫奥里佐特 高清作品[50%]

A classical landscape with the Colosseum and other Roman monuments;A classical landscape with figures resting before a lake, a castle beyond

  • Jan Frans van Bloemen, called l;Orizzonte
  • A classical landscape with the Colosseum and other Roman monuments;A classical landscape with figures resting before a lake, a castle beyond
  • A classical landscape with the Colosseum and other Roman monuments;A classical landscape with figures resting before a lake, a castle beyond-JAN-FRANS-VAN-BLOEMEN,-CALLED-L\'ORIZZONTE

    5. 塔莫菲特·卡波洛夫的肖像,国王陛下的救生员哥萨克团的哥萨克老头子(1814年) by James Ward 高清作品[45%]

    Portrait of Tamorfait Carborlof, a Don Cossack from His Majesty’s Life Guards Cossack Regiment (1814)

    材质 :Inscribed: Cossack/Tamorfait. Carborlof/King Street Barracks, and again l.c.: It was stated that this man killed/14 Frenchmen one morn.g [sic] before breakfast-, pencil, in a nineteenth-century black and gold frame 尺寸 :29.5 × 22.5 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

    塔莫菲特·卡波洛夫的肖像,国王陛下的救生员哥萨克团的哥萨克老头子(1814年)-詹姆斯·瓦德(British, 1769–1859)

    英文名称:Portrait of Tamorfait Carborlof, a Don Cossack from His Majesty’s Life Guards Cossack Regiment (1814)-James Ward

    6. 玫瑰金笔画 - 6007×7646px 高清作品[44%]

    AFB6065108-Rose Gold Strokes I

    图片文件尺寸 : 6007×7646 px

    玫瑰金笔画-Rose Gold Strokes I

    -Megan Morris\'s journey with art began when she followed an interest in fashion design and studied art in college. Megan has studied under many accomplished artists, such as Sharon Miller in California, Keith Klein in Kentucky and Jamali in Winter Park, and was an art docent in Cincinnati. Her art education has been broad having studied art history, sculpture and many other forms of art, which included a time in Europe. Although Megan is classically trained using techniques from the masters, her art is continually evolving.

    Megan\'s expertise in visual displays and space planning has been recognized and honored in several design competitions, as well as resulted in her being hired for projects in set design for television commercials including Acura, Werthers, and Nike.

    Megan has also been featured on FOX News, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN,MSNBC, HGTV, Bravo, CNBC and on the radio as an expert in her field, as well as being featured in Inc. Magazine, Yahoo!, The Miami Herald, The Wall Street Journal, and Reuters.

    7. 玫瑰金笔画II - 5875×7477px 高清作品[44%]

    AFB6068181-Rose Gold Strokes II

    图片文件尺寸 : 5875×7477 px

    玫瑰金笔画II-Rose Gold Strokes II

    -Megan Morris\'s journey with art began when she followed an interest in fashion design and studied art in college. Megan has studied under many accomplished artists, such as Sharon Miller in California, Keith Klein in Kentucky and Jamali in Winter Park, and was an art docent in Cincinnati. Her art education has been broad having studied art history, sculpture and many other forms of art, which included a time in Europe. Although Megan is classically trained using techniques from the masters, her art is continually evolving.

    Megan\'s expertise in visual displays and space planning has been recognized and honored in several design competitions, as well as resulted in her being hired for projects in set design for television commercials including Acura, Werthers, and Nike.

    Megan has also been featured on FOX News, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN,MSNBC, HGTV, Bravo, CNBC and on the radio as an expert in her field, as well as being featured in Inc. Magazine, Yahoo!, The Miami Herald, The Wall Street Journal, and Reuters.