1. \\卢克·安东尼说:“在澳大利亚长大的我真的感到与世界其他地方隔绝。从某种意义上说,当你是同恋时,会有一种双重隔绝的感觉。在澳大利亚海滩看到标志的冲浪救生员,是我第一次看到我能够感化的男身体图像之一。”,他们第一次交是在太平洋的波涛中。(2018年) by Jamil Hellu 高清作品[40%]

材质 :Digital pigment print 尺寸 :147.3 × 101.6 cm Photography


英文名称:\\\"Growing up in Australia I really felt isolated from the rest of the world. In a sense, there\'s a feeling of double isolation when you\'re gay. The sight of the iconic surf lifesavers at Aussie beaches was one of the first images of the male body available to me that I was able to sexualize,\\\" says Luke Anthony, whose first sexual encounters were amongst the waves of the Pacific. (2018) | Available for Sale-Jamil Hellu

2. 一个裸体女人跪在一个躺着的男人旁边(为玛利亚·抹大拉哀叹基督而作的研究)` A Nude Woman Kneeling at the side of a Reclining Man (Study for Mary Magdalen Lamenting Christ) (1857) by Julius Hübner 高清作品[39%]

A Nude Woman Kneeling at the side of a Reclining Man (Study for Mary Magdalen Lamenting Christ) (1857) -

图片文件尺寸: 3641 x 2629px


~ A Nude Woman Kneeling at the side of a Reclining Man (Study for Mary Magdalen Lamenting Christ) (1857) --Julius Hübner (德国艺术家, 1806-1882)