2. 在我们发现如何燃烧太阳之前,那些能从枯燥的眼睛中缩短枯燥的日子的东西会破坏I(2021年) by Alex Hamilton 高清作品[37%]

Things which shorten tedious days from a tedious eye break down the I before we discover how to burn down the sun (2021)

材质 :Spread on a bed - Acrylic ink, pastel, collage, on canvas 尺寸 :225 × 150 cm Painting

在我们发现如何燃烧太阳之前,那些能从枯燥的眼睛中缩短枯燥的日子的东西会破坏I(2021年)-亚里克斯·汉密尔顿(b. 1958)

英文名称:Things which shorten tedious days from a tedious eye break down the I before we discover how to burn down the sun (2021)-Alex Hamilton

3. 如何椅子》(向约翰·巴尔德萨里致敬),7只沙鼠(Abracadabra系列)(2020年和2013年) by Kim MacConnel 高清作品[36%]

How Not To Paint A Chair (Homage to John Baldessari), 7 Gerbil (Abracadabra Series) (2020 and 2013)

材质 :Painted armchair and enamel on wood panel 尺寸 :Related artists Mixed Media


英文名称:How Not To Paint A Chair (Homage to John Baldessari), 7 Gerbil (Abracadabra Series) (2020 and 2013)-Kim MacConnel

8. 我的身体我的灵魂(三联)——印度艺术家关于爱尔兰堕胎权的三幅油(2019年) by Ritu Sinha 高清作品[32%]

My Body My Soul (Triptych) - Three Panel Painting by Indian Artist about Abortion Rights in Ireland (2019)

材质 :Acrylic color, watercolor pencil, golden paper and Crosia works on paper 尺寸 :228.6 × 160.02 cm Painting

我的身体我的灵魂(三联)——印度艺术家关于爱尔兰堕胎权的三幅油(2019年)-丽图·辛哈(Indian, b. 1976)

英文名称:My Body My Soul (Triptych) - Three Panel Painting by Indian Artist about Abortion Rights in Ireland (2019)-Ritu Sinha