2. 身体我灵魂(三联)——印度艺术家关于爱尔兰堕胎权三幅(2019年) by Ritu Sinha 高清作品[28%]

My Body My Soul (Triptych) - Three Panel Painting by Indian Artist about Abortion Rights in Ireland (2019)

材质 :Acrylic color, watercolor pencil, golden paper and Crosia works on paper 尺寸 :228.6 × 160.02 cm Painting

身体我灵魂(三联)——印度艺术家关于爱尔兰堕胎权三幅(2019年)-丽图·辛哈(Indian, b. 1976)

英文名称:My Body My Soul (Triptych) - Three Panel Painting by Indian Artist about Abortion Rights in Ireland (2019)-Ritu Sinha

7. 穿着“jilbab”年轻女性在加沙一家健身房锻炼。这些女性仍然受到保护,因为她们在公共场合没有隐私(2009年) by Tanya Habjouqa 高清作品[22%]

Young women, fully dressed in “jilbab,” exercise in a gym in Gaza. The women remain covered because they have no privacy in public (2009)

材质 : 尺寸 : Photography

穿着“jilbab”年轻女性在加沙一家健身房锻炼。这些女性仍然受到保护,因为她们在公共场合没有隐私(2009年)-Tanya Habjouqa

英文名称:Young women, fully dressed in “jilbab,” exercise in a gym in Gaza. The women remain covered because they have no privacy in public (2009)-Tanya Habjouqa