6. 黑格·斯通低声说,是她给了他们魔法,你知道你绝不能把中间石头扔掉。它们是幸运石(2021) by Melissa Kime 高清作品[47%]

Hag stones whispers, it is she who gives them their magic and you know you must never just throw a stone away with a hole right through its middle. They’re the lucky stones (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Acrylic, watercolour, oil bar and pencil on paper 尺寸 :21 × 29 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

黑格·斯通低声说,是她给了他们魔法,你知道你绝不能把中间石头扔掉。它们是幸运石(2021)-梅丽莎·基姆(British, b. 1989)

英文名称:Hag stones whispers, it is she who gives them their magic and you know you must never just throw a stone away with a hole right through its middle. They’re the lucky stones (2021) | Available for Sale-Melissa Kime