8. 寒冷来得很清楚。它在四周闪闪发光。雪闪闪发光。它有我渴望的所有色调。2021,深靛青色高于其他颜色 by Kristi Kongi 高清作品[12%]

The cold came with clarity. It sparkled all around. The snow glistened. It had all the shades I had longed for. Deep Indigo high above the rest, 2021

材质 :Watercolour, gel pen on paper, wooden frame, glass 尺寸 :28 × 24 cm Painting


英文名称:The cold came with clarity. It sparkled all around. The snow glistened. It had all the shades I had longed for. Deep Indigo high above the rest, 2021-Kristi Kongi

9. 我的想法很清楚。颜色就在那里。他们试图充分利用它。暖红色和冷红色交替出现。带来美丽。以及一些反思和悲伤,2022年 by Kristi Kongi 高清作品[12%]

My thoughts were clear. The colours were there. And they tried to make the most of it. Warm and cool reds alternating. Bringing beauty. As well as some reflection and sadness, 2022

材质 :Watercolour, gel pen on paper, wooden frame, glass 尺寸 :28 × 24 cm Painting


英文名称:My thoughts were clear. The colours were there. And they tried to make the most of it. Warm and cool reds alternating. Bringing beauty. As well as some reflection and sadness, 2022-Kristi Kongi