1. 圣母与圣婴,圣杰罗姆和圣约翰远处的风景,威尼斯的景色,一副假浅浮雕putti在玩耍 - 贝尔纳迪诺·迪马里奥托·德洛·斯塔尼奥 高清作品[33%]

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino-di-Mariotto-dello-Stagno

8. 桌子上桃子旁边的篮子里放着各种各样的花,彼特·卡斯泰尔斯三世(Pieter Castels III)的远处是一景画` Mixed flowers in a basket beside peaches on a table, a landscape beyond (1715) by Pieter Casteels III 高清作品[27%]

Mixed flowers in a basket beside peaches on a table, a landscape beyond (1715) -

图片文件尺寸: 6217 x 4620px

桌子上桃子旁边的篮子里放着各种各样的花,彼特·卡斯泰尔斯三世(Pieter Castels III)的远处是一景画-彼得卡斯特尔三世

~ Mixed flowers in a basket beside peaches on a table, a landscape beyond (1715) --Pieter Casteels III (Flemish, 1684–1749)