3. 《阿格雷达的玛丽亚》,这是一篇关于卡斯蒂利亚修女奇迹般出现在我们西班牙领土上空的论文(2019年) by Jennifer May Reiland 高清作品[44%]

Maria of Agreda, Being a Treatise on the Miraculous Appearance of a Nun of Castilla in the Heavens Above Our Dominions in New Spain (2019)

材质 :Watercolor and pen on paper 尺寸 :152 × 190 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:Maria of Agreda, Being a Treatise on the Miraculous Appearance of a Nun of Castilla in the Heavens Above Our Dominions in New Spain (2019)-Jennifer May Reiland

5. 《罗兹之歌》,为洛厄尔·托马斯(1892-1981)的电影项目《罗兹之歌》(1954)的画作《世界七大奇迹》(1956)而作的研究 - 萨尔瓦多·达利 高清作品[43%]

Le Colosse de Rhodes, study for the painting Le Colosse de Rhodes (1954) for the film project of Lowell Thomas (1892-1981) Seven Wonders of the World (1956)-Salvador-Dalí

Le Colosse de Rhodes, study for the painting Le Colosse de Rhodes (1954) for the film project of Lowell Thomas (1892-1981) Seven Wonders of the World (1956)-Salvador-Dalí