2. 圣母与圣婴,圣杰罗姆和圣约翰远处的风景,威尼斯的景色,一副假浅浮雕putti在玩耍 - 贝尔纳迪诺·迪马里奥托·德洛·斯塔尼奥 高清作品[37%]

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino-di-Mariotto-dello-Stagno

8. 一种精致的波利尼西亚-汤加群岛,主要双手铁木战争俱乐部“Apa\'Apai”,以椰子叶柄的形式出现(1750-1800年) by Ethnographic Art 高清作品[33%]

A Fine Polynesian Tongan Islands Chiefly Two Handed Ironwood War Club ‘Apa’Apai’ in the Form of a Coconut Leaf Stalk (1750-1800)

材质 :Wood, Whaletooth 尺寸 :5 × 11 cm Other


英文名称:A Fine Polynesian Tongan Islands Chiefly Two Handed Ironwood War Club ‘Apa’Apai’ in the Form of a Coconut Leaf Stalk (1750-1800)-Ethnographic Art

9. 他们在一起的第一晚后,她的大腿和腿上出现了湿疹,但她说这与他本地人无关,2020年 by Dale Frank 高清作品[32%]

After their first night together she developed eczema over her thighs and legs but said it had nothing to do with him being Indigenous, 2020

材质 :Powder pigments in resin, epoxyglass, on Perspex 尺寸 :200 × 200 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

他们在一起的第一晚后,她的大腿和腿上出现了湿疹,但她说这与他本地人无关,2020年-戴尔·弗兰克(Australian, b. 1959)

英文名称:After their first night together she developed eczema over her thighs and legs but said it had nothing to do with him being Indigenous, 2020-Dale Frank