9. 摘要第79号——鲜明对比和表现力笔触的当代绘画(黑、白)(2021年) by Helen Bellaver 高清作品[20%]

Abstract No. 79 - Contemporary Painting With Stark Contrast & Expressive Brushstrokes (Black, White) (2021)

材质 :Acrylic & mixed media on wood panel 尺寸 :121.9 × 91.4 × 5.1 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px


英文名称:Abstract No. 79 - Contemporary Painting With Stark Contrast & Expressive Brushstrokes (Black, White) (2021)-Helen Bellaver

10. 摘要第85号——具有鲜明对比和表现力笔触的当代绘画(奶油+黑色+白色)(2021年) by Helen Bellaver 高清作品[20%]

Abstract No. 85 - Contemporary Painting With Stark Contrast & Expressive Brushstrokes (Cream+Black+White) (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Acrylic & mixed media on paper 尺寸 :48.3 × 40.6 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px


英文名称:Abstract No. 85 - Contemporary Painting With Stark Contrast & Expressive Brushstrokes (Cream+Black+White) (2021) | Available for Sale-Helen Bellaver