4. 22.《永无止境的东西》,很像阿马迪的《和其他一群绅士》(1947)的书, by José Clemente Orozco 高清作品[27%]

22…Never ending thing much like the books of amadi’s\\tand other group of gentlemen (1947) | Available for Sale

材质 :Tempera on paper 尺寸 :50.2 × 33.7 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

22.《永无止境的东西》,很像阿马迪的《和其他一群绅士》(1947)的书,-何塞·克莱门特·奥罗斯科(Mexican, 1883–1949)

英文名称:22…Never ending thing much like the books of amadi’s\\tand other group of gentlemen (1947) | Available for Sale-José Clemente Orozco