5. 庆祝女同性恋小说诞生50周年,1928-1978第五届女同性恋作家年会,1978年9月,芝加哥` Celebrating 50 years of the lesbian novel, 1928~1978; 5th annual lesbian writers conference, Sept. 1978, Chicago (1978) 高清作品[33%]

Celebrating 50 years of the lesbian novel, 1928~1978; 5th annual lesbian writers conference, Sept. 1978, Chicago (1978) -

图片文件尺寸: 7968 x 8916px


~ Celebrating 50 years of the lesbian novel, 1928~1978; 5th annual lesbian writers conference, Sept. 1978, Chicago (1978) -

6. 1872年5月30日,圣彼得堡参议院广场举行的庆祝彼得一世诞辰200周年(1672-1725)的庄严仪式` The solemn service on the occasion of the bicentenary of Peter I’s birth (1672~1725) on Senate Square in Saint Petersburg, 30 May 1872 by Karl Fedorovic Gun 高清作品[29%]

The solemn service on the occasion of the bicentenary of Peter I’s birth (1672~1725) on Senate Square in Saint Petersburg, 30 May 1872-

图片文件尺寸: 3989 x 2649px


~ The solemn service on the occasion of the bicentenary of Peter I’s birth (1672~1725) on Senate Square in Saint Petersburg, 30 May 1872--Karl Fedorovic Gun (Latvian, 1830 - 1877)