4. 当你邀请一个男人跳舞时,他说他和他的女朋友在一起,所以你说“她可以和我们跳舞”(2019) by Miranda Tacchia 高清作品[29%]

材质 :Marker and ink on paper 尺寸 :10.2 × 15.2 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:When you ask a guy to dance and he says he\'s there with his girlfriend so you say \\\"she can dance with us, too\\\" (2019)-Miranda Tacchia

7. 一座宫殿式花园,人物从宫殿中浮现,从远处可以看到回族十博世的屋顶 - 简·范德海德 高清作品[27%]

A palatial garden with figures emerging from a palace, the roof of the Huis Ten Bosch visible in the distance

  • Jan van der Heyden
  • A palatial garden with figures emerging from a palace, the roof of the Huis Ten Bosch visible in the distance 
  • Asking Price: $550,000signed faintly lower right
  • oil on oak panel
  • A palatial garden with figures emerging from a palace, the roof of the Huis Ten Bosch visible in the distance-JAN-VAN-DER-HEYDEN