5. 音乐派对在一张铺好的桌子前举行,桌上的风景穿过门口` Musical party before a laid table with a landscape through a doorway beyond (1643) by Aelbert Jansz. van der Schoor 高清作品[17%]

Musical party before a laid table with a landscape through a doorway beyond (1643) -

图片文件尺寸: 3277 x 2693px


~ Musical party before a laid table with a landscape through a doorway beyond (1643) --Aelbert Jansz. van der Schoor (荷兰艺术家, ca. 1603 - ca. 1672)

6. 带凸起书法、花卉和几何图案句子碎片的模制光泽瓷砖(13世纪早期) by Unknown 高清作品[16%]

Molded Luster Tile with Sentence Fragment in Raised Calligraphy, Floral and Geometric Motifs (early 13th century)

材质 :Molded fritware polychrome painted over white slip under transparent glaze 尺寸 :Phoenix Art Museum Design\\\\u002FDecorative Art


英文名称:Molded Luster Tile with Sentence Fragment in Raised Calligraphy, Floral and Geometric Motifs (early 13th century)-Unknown