10. 库拉索岛上的福尼尔·库拉索香槟,1921年,福尼尔·德马尔 - 5744×8000px 高清作品[39%]

AF-Un Fournier Curacao a la fine Champagne, Fournier-Demars, 1921

图片文件尺寸 : 5744×8000 px

库拉索岛上的福尼尔·库拉索香槟,1921年,福尼尔·德马尔-Un Fournier Curacao a la fine Champagne, Fournier-Demars, 1921

-Leonetto Cappiello (1875-1942) was an Italian and French poster art designer and painter, who mainly lived and worked in Paris. He is now often called \'the father of modern advertising\' because of his innovation in poster design.

Un Fournier Curacao a la fine Champagne, Fournier-Demars, 1921 (Poster), by Leonetto Cappiello