5. 身体我灵魂(三联画)——印度艺术家关于爱尔兰堕胎权三幅油画(2019年) by Ritu Sinha 高清作品[46%]

My Body My Soul (Triptych) - Three Panel Painting by Indian Artist about Abortion Rights in Ireland (2019)

材质 :Acrylic color, watercolor pencil, golden paper and Crosia works on paper 尺寸 :228.6 × 160.02 cm Painting

身体我灵魂(三联画)——印度艺术家关于爱尔兰堕胎权三幅油画(2019年)-丽图·辛哈(Indian, b. 1976)

英文名称:My Body My Soul (Triptych) - Three Panel Painting by Indian Artist about Abortion Rights in Ireland (2019)-Ritu Sinha

6. 金色素描——抽象蓝色和金色作品,在墨水、油画和喷漆单字纸上。(2016) by Vivian Liddell 高清作品[46%]

Sketch with Gold - Abstract Blue and Gold Work on Paper over Monotype in Ink, Oil and Spray Paint. (2016)

材质 :Ink, Oil Pastel and Spray Paint on Monotype 尺寸 :50.8 × 66 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

金色素描——抽象蓝色和金色作品,在墨水、油画和喷漆单字纸上。(2016)-维维安·利德尔(American, b. 1971)

英文名称:Sketch with Gold - Abstract Blue and Gold Work on Paper over Monotype in Ink, Oil and Spray Paint. (2016)-Vivian Liddell